Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Time Has Come...

... to finish some projetcs... hopefully...

First in line are a pair of socks that I started sometime ago and lost interest in.  This is only my second pair and I am not quite sure if knitting socks is really my thing. 


  1. I love knitting socks, but as a 'carry-with-me' project. When I watch the kids train/waiting rooms etc.

    Love those colours!

  2. Love the colorful yarn and haven't knitted socks since the 1950's. Back then, we though it was cool to knit argygle socks, but I loved a pair of plaid ones. I had a ton of bobbins dangling on the needles, but I did finish... actually turned the heels very well. Wonder why I never kept it up? Now I love to make socks out of fleece with a Green Pepper Pattern...they are soft, warm and work as socks or slippers. I do have trouble finding Latex binding (it's like bathing suit nylon stretch)for the tops though. Your crafts are beautiful....don't know how you find the time to do so many.
